Background: When most people picture a robot in a manufacturing operation they see an articulated arm robot, a very popular and useful tool. But an articulated arm robot has limits in reach and load carrying capacity especially when a “gripping device” is mounted to the arm. These robots can be grouped in rows or clusters or mounted to tracks to extend the work envelope.
A manufacturing assembly line of arm robots.
But there is another kind of robot; a “Linear Robot” or Cartesian gantry system that can be used to cover a larger work envelope, carry heavy payloads and get the job done often for a lower cost.
The Challenge
The photo below shows a Macron MCS-UC3 heavy duty gantry. This 3 axis Cartesian gantry is mounted to a structural steel frame for additional stability. The X axis is a pair of MSA-14H actuators with 4 carts supporting an MGS-UC3 2 axis standard gantry. The travel envelope for this gantry was; X = 6 meters, Y = 3.5 meters and Z = 1.5 meters.
Macron MCS-UC3 heavy duty gantry
The Solution
Linear Robots or Cartesian gantry systems are a viable alternative to rows of articulated arm, SCARA and delta robots. All motor and control system manufacturers have products that can control the fluid motion of a Cartesian gantry system. They are as easy to program as any other robot system too.
Another KEY application for Linear Robotics is LINEAR TRANSFER UNITS – see video