Actuators in the Marine industry

At Olsen Actuators & Drives, we have a wealth of expertise in supplying Electric Roller Screw Actuators, rugged Motor Drives, and electro-mechanical solutions to the Marine sector.

Actuators are components in a mechanical system that provide linear or rotary movement. In the Marine Industry, actuators must be dynamic, robust, reliable, fast-responding, and often very powerful to replace legacy hydraulic fluid power systems.

Olsen Actuators & Drives provides solutions for a variety of applications, including rudder and propeller controls, hatch controls, moon-pool door assist systems, cantilever deck deployment, and high-load lift mechanisms. We also specialise in designing test rigs and process control equipment for applications on ships, rigs, hovercrafts, and submarines.

If the application requires movement with high reliability, for longer periods, and with significantly reduced maintenance, then Olsen can provide a solution.

Designed and tailored in the UK and shipped globally, our actuator solutions can incorporate integrated drive electronics, requiring no pipes or cooling and are incredibly lightweight and compact in comparison with hydraulic or pneumatic systems. Electrical roller screw actuators deliver a highly accurate level of force and position control (with condition monitoring 4.0) to solve some of the most challenging applications.

The longevity and low maintenance offered through our unique roller screw technology are particularly popular where product failure or downtime can be critical and very costly. A simple to use Windows based interface means the actuators are quick to install, and commission and simple to maintain.

The efficiency benefits are also significant. Removing the need for messy, leaky and corrosive hydraulic fluids, and with significant operational energy, weight and space savings, Olsen actuators are providing key solutions in an increasingly efficiency driven market.

Olsen Actuators & Drives are an industry leader in roller screw electro-mechanical control systems. We love to explore new applications, requirements and restrictions that create the development of new solutions that drive the industry forward. If you have any questions regarding an existing or new project, we would be delighted to discuss with you.

Core Capabilities

Our actuator solutions are able to meet specifications including:

  • Milspec COTS, EAR99 750g, -40°C to +70°C
  • Pressure compensation (where required)
  • Linear Rotary 2000 kNm
  • 650 bar operating pressures
  • 1 kN to 1500 kN
  • ATEX rated
  • Travel up to 2 metres
  • AC or DC voltage source
  • Cables
  • Servo drive electronics and software integration
  • Multi-axis control synchronisation
  • Precise control
  • Durability and ruggedness
  • Space or weight saving