
Olsen Melbourne Australia Branch

Olsen Actuators Team


This month sees the formation of Olsen Actuation PTY Ltd Melbourne Australia branch. Many of our key multi-national clients have country production facilities in Australia and we hope the opening of a local branch southern hemisphere office will allow duplication of successfully designed and installed UK projects in Australia. Many of the multi-national programs are almost cut and paste of what has already been designed in the UK, so we hope and plan to leverage new business by repeat installations of existing machinery upgrade designs.

There is also a buoyant simulation market with several companies offering innovative and bespoke designs in:

  • Fixed-wing and helicopter simulators
  • Mining Simulators
  • Racing car simulators
  • Leading technology visual systems developers

We are planning to purchase a fixed-wing and helicopter static simulator to trial and develop our hexapod motion platform, which is being commissioned in February. One clear unique advantage with our hexapod platform is that having a rotary turret allows much better yaw simulation for helicopter applications.